Rise Through The Ranks In This Semi-Cooperative Game Of Criminal Strategy And Social Deduction!

Players: 3-7

Time: 30-60 min.

Age: 12+

Players: 3-7

Time: 30-60 min.

Age: 12+

Welcome to the 13th Street Crew. You may be on the bottom rung of the Old Don’s criminal empire, but the city is full of opportunities to prove yourself worthy of rising up the ranks!

Pull off jobs with your fellow crew members and prove yourself to be a good earner. But watch your back! The police are cracking down on illegal activity and it’s possible someone within the Crew may be an informant and is working to bring you down!

Do You Have What It Takes To Join The 13th Street Crew?

Make ‘Em An Offer They Can’t Refuse!

In order to advance your position, you’ll have to negotiate with your other crew members to take on various jobs! From bringing local politicians into the family to running jobs for the Old Don himself, each job will require different resources, but will reward you with cash, permanent assets, or even powerful one-time use abilities!

Can You Dodge The Cops And Pull Off A Big Score?

The police are vigilant, and with every job comes the risk of provoking the law! Each crew member on a job secretly plays a card giving the all clear or calling in the cops, while the police also make their move and play a card from the Police Deck. If the police show, all resources are lost and no rewards are given. Was it just bad luck, were you set up to fail so another could rise, or is there an informant in the crew?

Rake In The Dough Or Rot In The Big House!

Loyal crew members that make enough money for the organization will gain the Don’s favor and prove themselves to be top earners, but if the police manage to break up five jobs before then, the whole crew will be doing hard time! Or worse yet, if there is an informant in the ranks they might abscond with the money and claim victory for themselves.

Are You Ready To Join The Crew?